4-Part OOS & OOT Investigations Training Program Registration

How it works:

- Complete and submit registration

- Receive a confirmation email with a receipt for payment if registered by a credit card or an invoice with payment information if the payment method is by Electronic Transfer or Check

- Receive login information and a copy of the presentation slides before each live event

- Participants do not require a Webex account to join, they receive an email invitation that provides instructions and access to the live training webinar

- Receive e-Certificate of training for each attendee within 30 days following the live presentation

*** Registration fees are on an individual, per person/attendee basis whether trainees are attending together from a conference room or from separate locations

Thank you for choosing Pharma Webinars.

If you are unable to see the Registration Form or complete and submit your registration, this may be due to your security system’s configuration or an older browser version. Please use another operating system (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, mobile device, etc....) to submit your registration or you may access the Registration Form‘s Secondary Version Here>>>

You can also Register by calling us at 1 (877) 792-7587 or by sending us an email to support@pharmawebinars.com. Thank You.

Registration Terms & Conditions >